Leadership Coaching and
Strategic Organizational Consulting

When Clarity and Alignment Matter

Being a leader today is challenging.

As a leader, you need to balance your needs with those of your team while also meeting organizational expectations and staying current with technological advancements and business trends.

How do you know…
if everyone has the same vision of success?

How can you ensure…
all are aligned and collaborating to achieve success?

What would it be like…
to lead teams where clarity reigns, priorities align seamlessly, and collaboration fuels problem-solving and results?

You need clarity and alignment, a clear and commonly understood destination and people and systems aligned to get there. Sounds easy enough but in reality, building clarity and alignment requires a significant amount of skill, time and effort.

Seven Big focuses on helping leaders, teams, and organizations create clarity and alignment, one conversation at a time.

Seven Big Principles

The Seven Big Principles incorporate mindsets and behaviors that enable leaders and teams to work well together, to face change and ambiguity together, and to achieve a common purpose.

  • Use simple language and actions. Test assumptions.

  • Cultivate a “seek to understand” perspective. Embrace new learning.

  • Strive to be a little better every day.

  • Do what you say you will do.

  • Pay attention to your mindset and surroundings in the moment.

  • Flex where you can while staying aligned to core values.

  • Know where you are going and face the obstacles to get there.

Seven Big Services

Seven Big provides coaching and consulting services for leaders, teams, and organizations who want more clarity and alignment. Seven Big services are tailored to your specific situation and need.

Executive coaching

Leadership development coaching

Aspiring leader coaching

Team effectiveness coaching

Root cause problem-solving & gap analysis

Organization assessment & recommendations

Organization change initiatives

Performance analysis & improvement plans

Strategic planning

Team problem-solving 

Group decision-making

Team & leadership development