How BIG is it?

The Seven Big Story

Seven Big was born from a misunderstanding based on different perspectives and expectations. It started when I asked my young daughter “How big is that box?” She studied the box and confidently asserted “Seven.” Confused, I asked, “Seven what?” Without hesitation she replied: “Seven BIG”, as if it should be obvious. She wasn’t wrong. She knew exactly what she was thinking and she answered my simple question – How BIG is it?

Over the past two decades I have seen this situation play out repeatedly with leaders and teams at all levels in a variety of organizations. We all think we are being clear. We assume others understand what we are saying. Or, we believe we have a clear picture of what we want but can’t find the right words to explain it.

Seven Big represents a clear vision of success and alignment. You may be at the start of a Seven Big journey where you are seeking clarity for yourself or others. Or you might feel stuck in your efforts to bring others along. Wherever you are on your journey, I’m here to help you, your teams, your organization achieve a Seven Big success with clarity and alignment!

Use the form below to contact me and schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery session.

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
— Maya Angelou